France is a country that vibrates to the rhythm of culture, art and music. Throughout the year, cultural events and festivals (Les Vieilles Charrues in Brittany, the Eurockéennes in Belfort, Les Nuits Sonores in Lyon, the Juan-les-Pins Jazz Festival, the Lyon Biennial, the Avignon Festival, the Fête de la Musique, the Fête des Lumières in Lyon, the Fête de la Bretagne or the Fête de la Lavande in Provence…) bring the country to life, offering visitors a unique and immersive experience.

Whether your customers are passionate about art, music, dance, cinema or simply curious to discover the richness of French culture, these cultural events and festivals will introduce them to a world of creativity, diversity and celebration.

Our cultural event experts

DMC Decanter Tours

Decanter Tours specializes in custom-made wine tours for passionate wine enthusiasts.  Our expertise goes well…

Examples of cultural event offers

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